If you want to limit access to what your clients can do to their website, you can assign User Permissions.
STEP 1 - Select “Site Details” next to the client's business/website name from the Manage Sites screen.
STEP 2 - Click "Edit" next to the Site Owner's Name.
STEP 3 - Modify the permissions from the “Permissions” window. Click "Save" when complete.
- When you add a site owner, your client can access their individual site and make changes to their content and control access the Layout, Design, Pages, Settings, and Stats Tabs.
- You will notice that “Manage Layout & Design” is unchecked by default, and is the recommended setting for business owners. If you choose to check this option, then your clients will be able to access both the "Layout" and “Design” tabs of their site. With access to these tabs, they can potentially delete or alter the design you created for them, which are changes that cannot be undone. Leaving this option unchecked keeps you in control of the overall site design.
- You will notice that "Manage Pages" is checked by default, and is the recommended setting for business owners who want their clients to add additional pages on their own to their website. If you choose to uncheck this option, then your clients will not be able to see the "Pages" tab of their site. You may choose to restrict access if you want to limit your clients to a certain number of pages on their site. Without access to the Pages tab, the client cannot add new pages, remove existing pages, or rename pages.
- You will notice that "Manage Settings" is unchecked by default and is the recommended setting for business owners. If you choose to check this option, your client will be able to edit the domain name, SEO Meta Tags, and their login credentials.
- You will notice that "View Stats" is checked by default and is the recommended settings for business owners who want their clients to be able to view traffic statistics and key metrics for their site.
- You will notice that "Manage Content" is checked by default. If you choose to check this option, then you client will be able to add, edit, delete, hide, and move all text, images, photos, etc. on their site.