While adding Site-Wide SEO terms site is important, it's best practice to craft unique SEO Meta Tags for each page of your site for further optimization. These Meta Tags should reflect the specific content on that page. Here's how...
1. Click on Pages > Manage Pages from the site editor.
2. Click the pencil icon next to the page you would like to add Page-Specific SEO terms for.
3. Toggle on "Use Page-Specific SEO".
4. Use the help text and examples to craft an optimized Meta Title, Meta Description and Keywords for the page.
Meta Title - Keep your title under 60 characters and include key terms that describe this specific page.
Example: 'About ABC Plumbing - Trusted Local Plumbers in [City Name]'
Meta Description - Summarize the purpose of your page in 150-160 characters.
Example: 'Learn about ABC Plumbing, a trusted plumbing company serving [City Name] with over 20 years of experience.'
Add key terms relevant to the content on this page.
Example: 'ABC Plumbing, about us, plumbing services, local plumbers'