Sitemaps were first developed in 2005, and are very commonly used by webmasters to tell search engines like Google about all of the pages (unique URLs) a website has.
A Sitemap is a tidy list of pages that appear on the site, making it really easy for Google to identify and scan all of the pages. A Sitemap is formatted as an “XML file” that needs to be kept up to date so that the search engines always have an accurate list of the pages on the site. As pages get added or deleted from a website, the Sitemap should reflect those changes.
With SiteSwan, every website you create automatically has a Sitemap created, and it’s always kept up to date with every change you make to your sites. Usually, Sitemaps come into the discussion when setting up a site for Google Webmaster Tools or a similar type service. To find the URL of a site’s Sitemap, just go to the “Site Details” page in the SiteSwan dashboard, and look for the section labeled “Sitemap URL”. The format for it is the site’s domain followed by “/sitemap.xml"