The Review Request Form is a powerful feature within Reputation Management. The purpose of the Review Request Form is to...
- Help generate more positive online reviews from happy customers
- Help stop negative online reviews from unhappy customers
Click the link below to see a sample of how the Review Request Form works. This site is for demonstration purposes only:
Adding the Review Request Form to a website is easy using the code provided. Each Review Request Form is unique to each business and it's only available on accounts that are subscribed to Daily Reporting.
STEP 1 - Click on "Site Details" next to any of your client's accounts that are subscribed to Reputation Management.
STEP 2 - Scroll down to the Reputation Management section and copy the HTML code that's been generated for the Review Request Form. Remember: this code is unique to each business and is only available on sites that are actively subscribed to Reputation Management Daily Reporting.
Note: You will need to enter the client's email address(es) into the designated field so they receive the Reputation Management Reports and Review Notification emails in their inbox.
STEP 3 - Paste the code using the HTML Post type on your client's website. It can be added to an existing page or you can even create a new page called "Review Us" or something similar.
STEP 4 - Click "Post". Here is an example of what the Review Request Form will look like on your client's website.
Happy customers who submit a review with a 4 or 5 star rating will be encouraged to share their positive review on Google, Facebook, and Yelp. This will help increase positive online reviews and the average star rating.
Unhappy customers who submit a 3 star rating or lower will be prompted to share their feedback directly and discreetly to the business. This can help stop customers from posting negative reviews publicly on the web.
Note: Business owners will receive an email notification of all positive and negative reviews submitted by users. The reviews will also appear in their Reputation Management Report.